The Proposal

Arianna and Brett decided for their sixth anniversary they would get a hotel room at Aloft and have dinner at Bristol. Arianna met Brett at the hotel after she got off work and Brett got finished his round of golf. They got ready for dinner and off they went. Dinner was a wonderful time with a wonderful atmosphere. The restaurant had decorated the table and left a card for them and even provided them with a champagne toast-on the house.

After dinner they went to the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art in Kansas City and walked around the galleries. After the museum closed, they walked around the sculpture gardens as the sun finished setting and the stars came out.

As they were walking down a path toward Arianna’s favorite sculpture, Brett said:

“Six years ago today you made me the luckiest guy that day. Would you make me the luckiest guy for the rest of my life… (he got down on one knee and opened a box that held the most gorgeous ring)… will you marry me?”

After lots of tears and ‘oh my gods’ Arianna officially said yes!

It was a picture perfect proposal.

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